Monday, March 31, 2008


SWT web installer

SWT web installer is almost ready to be released.
I tested it and wrote the documentation. It just needs the final touches.
I think it will be released during this week as version 1.0 beta.
License is LGPL 3.0.


I made a library of ISQL, which I will release as soon as possible.
ISQL can be actually using separately from Matrex.
It is just to call a function with, as parameters, the SQL query and the input and output arrays.
I think it can be very interesting for people that wants to use SQL on arrays in memory.
Also in this case the license will be GPL 3.0-


There will be a version 1.3 of Matrex.
The idea is to include in this version the last changes made to the source code of Matrex:
Also, the 2D charts will be updated and new Matrex functions will be added, thanks to the new version of the commons math library .

I'm also working to plan version 2.0 of Matrex. I tested an example of RMI callbacks and I've found that it works very well. I will soon publish a new document about the future Matrex Client/Server architecture.

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